Tuesday, May 29, 2018

May 29th Tuesday Post Secondary Projects, Resume & Cover Letters, Work Safe Lessons 1-7

We worked on our Post Secondary Projects, Resume & Cover Letters, Work Safe Lessons 1-7

For a list and review of all of the above assignments head to the blog post from May 25 2018.

All 3 items are due this Friday June 1 2018.

Travel Term Project 

You will need to select a place (or multiple places) and provide details re: trip planning. 

You can create a poster, video and or PowerPoint to answer the following questions:

Where will you be going? Include pictures.

What are the flight costs?

What will the accommodation costs be? Include costs, pictures etc.

What will the food costs be?

What will the Visa costs be (if any) and where will you obtain these?

What will the vaccination costs be (if any) and where will you obtain these?

What tours/or sights do you plan to see - include costs, pictures etc.

Bonus: Is there a way you can reduce the costs of your trip i.e. Volunteering/WorkAway/HelpX/Woofing etc.
If so please explain.

Project + Presentation = 100 marks.

Monday, May 28, 2018

May 28 2018 Post Secondary Projects, Resume & Cover Letters, Work Safe Lessons 1-7

We worked on our Post Secondary Projects, Resume & Cover Letters, Work Safe Lessons 1-7

For a list and review of all of the above assignments head to the blog post from May 25 2018.

All 3 items are due this Friday June 1 2018.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

May 23 2018 Preventing Incidents of Harassment and Violence in the Workplace Lesson 7 + Post Secondary Project

Preventing Incidents of Harassment and Violence in the Workplace

Journal Response - Work Safe Lesson 7

Q: What would be in your 'tool kit' re: dealing with possible workplace bullying/harassment in an appropriate manner?

Peer Edit Cover Letters Resumes - final versions due Friday June 1 2018

Cover Letter Template


Paragraph 1: Relates to your past experience and 3 reasons (based on past experience) as to why you are a good fit for the role you are applying for.

Paragraph 2: Personal traits and why this makes you a good fit for the role you are applying for.


Resume Template: 




Year-Year                               Organization Name, Location
                                               Min 3 bullet points outlining your past tasks/responsibilities



Review of WorkSafe Lessons and assignments due - Friday June 1 2018.

All documents required are posted on the blog. 

Lesson 1: Lost Youth: Work Safe True False Quiz & Student Self Assessment WorkSheet. 

Lesson 2:  Rights, Responsibilities, and a Safer Workplace - T Chart Worksheet 

Lesson 3: Major Causes of Workplace Injury - Brochure Assignment 

Lesson 4: Hazard Recognition - Mark Ignores The Rules WorkSheet and Safe Work Practices WorkSheet 

Lesson 5: Personal Protective Equipment - no assignment due.

Lesson 6: Occupational Health - Group Presentation

Lesson 7: Workplace Violence -  What would be in your 'tool kit' re: dealing with possible workplace bullying/harassment in an appropriate manner? Point form response.

2nd Block - Post Secondary Research Projects - Due Friday June 1 2018 - more time will be given in class. 

Post Secondary Research Projects. 

May 22 2018 Occupational Health

Lesson 6 

In this lesson, you will work in groups to analyse potential occupational health risks associated with a particular career sector. 

Specifically, the types of workplace health risks that are most relevant for young workers.

  • Musculoskeletal injuries (e.g., back injuries, repetitive strain injuries) Heat stress
  • Sun exposure
  • Noise exposure
  • Mineral and chemical hazards (e.g., lead, asbestos, cleaning agents, pesticides)
  • Exposure to biological hazards (e.g., HIV, hepatitis, hantavirus, West Nile virus)  
Brainstorm: What jobs do you now have? What type of jobs might you have in the future?


6 Groups

1 copy of each of the six student handouts re: specific types of injuries/health risks.

The task for each group: to review the material they have been given and prepare summarized responses (in point form) to the following two questions: 

  • What kinds of jobs can result in obtaining the health risk/injury that your group was assigned? (list a min of 5 types of jobs)
  • What can you do to protect yourself from the harm associated with your assigned cause? 
Groups Present: 5min each


Although it is your employer’s responsibility to offer you protection from health hazards and ensure you have adequate training in health procedures, it is as important that you recognize these occupational health hazards so that you can take steps to protect yourself. 

That way, should you be exposed to a health hazard at work and become ill, you will know what to do to prevent it from happening again.

The effects of exposure to hazardous substances or conditions will not always result in you developing an occupational disease immediately. So, what you do at work today may affect your health much later in life. Some illnesses (such as certain forms of cancer or respiratory disease) may take years to become apparent. 

Thursday, May 17, 2018

May 18 2018 Presentations Careers + Lesson 5 Intro Health and Safety

Continuation of Careers Presentations and Lesson 5 Health and Safety.
  1. “PPE” 

    What does it stand for? 

     “personal protective equipment” - clothing and equipment used by workers to eliminate or minimize their exposure or contact with injurious physical, chemical, or biological agents.

  2. Review the six hazard scenarios discussed in Lesson 4 (Student Handout 10: Hazard Recognition Scenarios). List any personal protective equipment that could have been used by the workers shown in the scenarios to reduce the risk of injury.  Group Work - each group 2 scenario's - write your group names and also list ALL of the protective equipment that should have been worn in the scenes. Be ready to present your suggestions. 

  3. Employers are responsible for supplying the required safety gear and clothing. Young workers are responsible for supplying their own clothing to protect themselves from the natural elements, general purpose work gloves, safety foot wear, and safety head gear. Young workers are responsible for wearing and using PPEs properly. Additional information can be obtained from the WorkSafeBC web site

May 16 2018 Health and Safety Review, Careers Presentations


Review of Lesson 1-4 of Health and Safety.

Lesson 1 Materials:

Click HERE for Lesson 1 True False Questions on the Video

Click HERE for Lesson 1 Student Self Assessment Questions

Lesson 2 Materials - Rights and Responsibilities T Chart 

Lesson 3 Materials - Brochure Assignment 

Lesson 4 Materials - Safe Work Practices and Hazard Recognition

Duo-tangs -ensure lesson 1-4 assignments are in your duo-tangs.

Careers Presentations: 

Matt, Jacob, Denver, Marcelo, Isabella, Wim

If you did not present be prepared to present next class Friday.

Monday, May 14, 2018

May 15 2018 Hazard Recognition

You should have already handed in your workplace safety brochure and/or poster from Lesson 3.
Today you will be focusing on Workplace Hazards.

Lesson 4. 

Please ensure all handouts for lesson 4 are in your duo-tang's for end of day.

See you Wednesday.

May 14 2018 Lesson Workplace Injury Continued. . . .

In Lesson 3 students will brainstorm and research the major causes of workplace injury.

Please ensure that materials from Lesson 1-3 are placed in your Planning duo-tangs. 

Students started the above noted lesson on Friday and have till end of day today to finish their workplace safety brochure and poster. 

Thursday, May 10, 2018

May 11 2018 WorkSafeLesson 2: Rights, Responsibilities, and a Safer Workplace and Lesson 3: Major Causes of Workplace Injury

In Lesson 2, students work in groups and participate in role plays to develop a greater understanding of the concept of “rights and responsibilities” for both employers and workers.

In Lesson 3 students will brainstorm and research the major causes of workplace injury.

Please ensure that materials from Lesson 1-3 are placed in your Planning duo-tangs. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

May 10 Health Fair, Work BC Lesson 1 of 10 and Careers Project Time


Today we have A LOT going on during this double block.

We have a Health Fair today 10:45-11:05 as well as our first of 10 Work BC Lessons in addition to some class time to work on our Careers Projects.

Your TTOC has an agenda and lesson information for all of the above.

The video for the Work BC Lesson is listed below:

Lost Youth

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Monday, May 7, 2018

May 7 2018 Career Project and Resume/Cover Letter Review

We continued to work on our Careers Project and I met with a selection of the class re: final edits Resumes and Cover Letters.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

May 3 Double Block - Cover Letters/Resumes and Career Project


Assignments - first block

To complete your draft cover letter and resume if you have not already and hand in a copy - due end of class.

Complete your MyBluePrint.ca activities.

2nd block -

Intro to your first of two large projects for Term 4.

Career Profile Project


The project should focus on a career that you will be considering for full-time employment after high school.

Info for the project should be obtained from a variety of resources - i.e. internet - eg - Work BC etc, and or first-hand information from someone in the field.

Create a written, oral, video, poster board, or KeyNote/PowerPoint Presentation that you will share with the class.

Include the following:

Education and training required for the career
Where to get the training for the career
Indicate if on the job training is available
ID the salary range and future outlook for the career (increasing, stable, decreasing in demand)
ID the normal work hours and any overtime hours
Include where someone can obtain employment for this career
List the pros and cons of the career
ID area of employers for the career

Marks will be given re: all items noted above in addition to overall presentation mark.

Total Marks /50

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

May 1 2018 Grad Numeracy Assessment Information & What is Important to You and Values & Career Compatibility

Mrs. Wallach provided us with some great info and practice information regarding the Grad Numeracy Assessment Test.

Check out more info HERE.

And the Parent Handout Click Page 1 and Page 2

We then cleared out our Journals from Term 3 and started with our Term 4 Workbook Work.

1. What is Important to You Worksheet

2.  Values & Career Compatibility Worksheet